Honeybush is what South African's refer to as the sibling of the very popular rooibos, which is also cultivated in South Africa's Eastern Cape region. Its flowers smell of honey, earning this plant its namesake. Honeybush brews a similarflavour to rooibos, but with a sweeter honey like flavour. South African Honeybush Tea is free of caffeine and tannins, though it is rich in health benefits- such as its antioxidant content, mineral content (iron, potassium, calcium) helping prevent anemia and balancing water in the body.
This super tonic is an ideal evening beverage or right before bed!
Origin - South Africa Caffeine - Zero Ingredients - Honey Bush |
South African Honey Bush
Tea - 1 TSP
Water - 200 ML
Temperature - 95°C
Time - 3 - 5 MIN