This sauce is a spicy, tangy and garlic forward mix that goes great with chicken, seafood or as a dipping sauce. Piri Piri translates to "Pepper Pepper" in Sawhali, and with the amount of chili's and peppers that go into it its easy to see where the name came from. This Sauce has spread like wildfire across the world, i have had delicious interpretations from England all the way to Zimbabwe but my personal favorite has always been this Portuguese recipe, it has just the right balance of heat and tang to tantalize your taste-buds.
Piri Piri Sauce Recipe
Serving Prep Time Cook Time
3 Cups 30 Min 30 Min
2 Red Bell Peppers
1 Red Onion
4 Garlic Cloves Minced
1/2 Cup fresh Lemon Juice
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
Zest from 1 lemon (finely grated)
2 1/2 Tablespoons Portuguese Piri Piri
After Cooking Ingredient
1/4 Cup Fresh Lemon juice
Zest from 1 lemon (finely minced)
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 Cup Olive Oil
Roast the peppers and onions until charred (its okay if they are not fully cooked)
Chop the peppers and onions and blend them in a food processor/blender.
Add the remaining ingredients to the processor and puree until blended.
Transfer to a saucepan and simmer slowly for 20-30 minutes.
Let the sauce cool and then add it back to the food processor
Add the "after cooking ingredients" minus the oil and puree for 3 mins. Slowly add in the oil as the processor runs